Welcome to the New Zealand Apprenticeship in Apiculture
The ApiNZ Apprenticeship in Apiculture is a practical, hands on learning programme developed for new beekeepers to gain qualifications while working in the apiculture industry. It was established by Apiculture New Zealand and Primary ITO in 2018.
About the ApiNZ Apprenticeship in Apiculture scheme
The apprenticeship is made up of two programmes spread over two years.
The NZ Certificate in Apiculture Level 3 programme consists of nine practical units that will be assessed on the job over the season and followed by three theory units delivered at a three-day block course.
The NZ Certificate in Apiculture Level 4 programme is made up of six practical units that will be assessed on the job, and a further four theory units delivered at a five-day block course.
Apprentices have 11 months to complete Level 3 and 10 months to complete Level 4.
Learning is done on the job and assessments can be carried out online or by a certified assessor.