About Bee Aware Month
This annual education campaign, run by Apiculture New Zealand, is all about sharing with New Zealanders some basic things everyone can do to help improve bee health. We want to encourage Kiwis to plant more trees for bees, to use garden sprays safely, or not at all, and to buy local honey.
Every year we share resources with schools, community groups, councils and bee lovers so they can learn more about bees and take actions to improve bee health. We also run a social media campaign aimed at educating Kiwis about bees, beekeeping and honey.
Bee Aware Month 2023
Thanks so much for your support of this year’s Bee Aware Month. Below are some images of events and activities that happened around the country during Bee Aware Month 2023.
Click on the images below for an overview of 2023’s Bee Aware Month activities and planting ideas as featured in The New Zealand BeeKeeper journal.
Keep an eye on the Bee Aware Month Facebook, and Instagram pages for all things bees!
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Thanks to our main Bee Aware Month sponsor: