Careers in apiculture

New Zealand’s apiculture industry is a growing primary sector that offers a broad range of opportunities from beekeeping to food production, marketing, logistics and management.

Beekeepers work in some of the most beautiful and remote parts of New Zealand and have a vital role in caring for and protecting bees and the wider environment, as well as producing honey and bee products, and pollinating important crops.  There are many jobs involved in apiculture.  Our industry needs workers in food production, warehousing, logistics, marketing, food safety and traceability as well as beekeeping.

How can I get involved in the apiculture industry?

While qualifications are not essential to begin work as a beekeeper, they will help you find employment.  You can receive training at a number of tertiary institutions that offer Level 3 and 4 beekeeping courses.   These include the Pacific Coast Technical Institute and Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology.

If you are already working in the sector, and want to learn more you can apply for the Apiculture NZ Apprenticeship in Apiculture.  This offers practical on the job training alongside the Level 3 and 4 qualification through distance or online learning options.  Find out more about the apprenticeship here.

If you interested in beekeeping as a hobby, find out more here.

Meet the beekeepers

Meet the beekeepers: Charlotte Haskell, Alpine Honey

September 10th, 2021|Comments Off on Meet the beekeepers: Charlotte Haskell, Alpine Honey

Charlotte Haskell, beekeeper apprentice, Central Otago ApiNZ Apprenticeship in Apiculture  How did you get started in beekeeping? It was actually because of Covid.  I was working in HR with a merino company [...]

Meet the beekeepers: Sam Lawrence, Taylor Pass Honey

November 24th, 2020|Comments Off on Meet the beekeepers: Sam Lawrence, Taylor Pass Honey

Sam Lawrence, beekeeper apprentice, Marlborough region ApiNZ Apprenticeship in Apiculture  How did you get started in beekeeping? I grew up on a farm in the Waihopai Valley and we used to have [...]

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