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So far ApiNZ Admin has created 46 blog entries.
6 05, 2024

Queenless colony?

2024-05-06T12:39:56+12:00May 6th, 2024|Got Questions|

Q. If a colony is queenless and there's no brood to raise a new queen, would they stay, swarm or die? A. If there isn’t any viable brood, they can’t raise a queen. A queen can only be raised from a fertilised larva that is about 24 to 36 hours old. Therefore, a broodless [...]

6 05, 2024

Do bees grieve?

2024-05-06T12:57:42+12:00May 6th, 2024|Got Questions|

Q. Do bees grieve? A. A very interesting question. First, we must ask if bees have the capacity to grieve or even feel any emotions. With only one million neurons, it is unlikely that they have the physical hardware required for the mental computational power to express emotions. Bees do have a certain level [...]

1 03, 2024

Test for varroa?

2024-03-01T11:57:58+13:00March 1st, 2024|Got Questions|

Q. I treat my hives regularly and follow the manufacturers’ instructions to the letter. Is it really necessary to test for [varroa] mites? A. While checking for American foulbrood (AFB) is a legal obligation, checking for varroa is not. Some say that it is an absolutely essential beekeeping tool, while others don’t think it [...]

28 02, 2024

Drones any good?

2024-03-01T11:59:20+13:00February 28th, 2024|Got Questions|

Q: What good are drones in my hive? Do they just eat stores and help mites? Should I remove them? A: There are between a few hundred to a couple of thousand drones in a hive during the summer. Many people think of them as freeloaders that consume stores and don’t contribute anything for [...]

28 02, 2024

Old hiveware?

2024-03-01T12:16:29+13:00February 28th, 2024|Got Questions|

Q. A neighbour has some old hiveware in a barn that he doesn’t want. What is the best way to deal with it? Ken Brown is President of the Auckland Beekeepers’ Club and a Land Based Training Apiculture Tutor (Disclaimer: I am an AP2; these opinions are my own and not those of the [...]

28 02, 2024

Tutin in pollen?

2024-03-01T12:02:31+13:00February 28th, 2024|Got Questions|

Q. Is bee pollen at risk of tutin contamination, or does tutin only affect honey? Dr Linda Newstrom-Lloyd is a Trees for Bees botanist. A. The green parts and the sap of the tutu plant contain tutin, a neurotoxin, that is harmful to mammals, but bees are unaffected. The tutin toxin is not expressed in [...]

26 02, 2024

Mānuka honeydew?

2024-02-26T15:09:28+13:00February 26th, 2024|Got Questions|

Q. Is there an aphid (or another bug) that lives on mānuka and secretes a honeydew that is active? Dr Ronald van Toor is a Senior Scientist at Plant and Food Research, working in bioprotection. A. I am aware of only three scale insects that excrete excess sap sugars in mānuka sufficient to [...]

15 12, 2023

Wet weather killed 2023 honey production

2023-12-15T09:55:56+13:00December 15th, 2023|Bee Aware Month, Media Release, News|

14 December 2023 Wet weather killed 2023 honey production, better prospects for this season The impact of wet and wild weather last summer on the 2023 honey production season was confirmed today with the publication of the annual MPI Apiculture Monitoring Data. The reported data shows the total annual honey production reached only 12,000 [...]

30 08, 2023

Bee Aware Month launch 2023

2023-08-30T11:22:21+12:00August 30th, 2023|Bee Aware Month, Media Release, News|

30 August 2023 Bee Aware Month launched by Associate Minister for Agriculture Jo Luxton at Te Aro School Associate Agriculture Minister, Hon Jo Luxton, has officially launched Bee Aware Month 2023, an annual nation-wide celebration of bees and their importance to our ecosystem, food chain and economy. Minister Luxton inspected the Te Aro School [...]

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