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  • Entry to the 2024 NZ BeeKeeper journal Photography Competition

    All entries to this competition must be made online with photos supplied to competition organisers in a digital format only (jpeg or png). You can enter a maximum two entries per category. The Competition has seven categories: (A) Close-up Print - Subject must relate to Beekeeping (B) Scenic Print - Apiary subject such as flowers, hives etc. (C) Portrait print - Person or beekeeping procedure in appropriate setting (D) Essay Prints  - A set of 4 pictures depicting beekeeping (E) ‘Oh Darn!’ - For those ‘oops’ moments that occur in beekeeping! (F) Beekeeper Business Challenge – Beekeeping business best office (G) Mobile Phone Snaps – Apiculture moment captured on your phone?

    Competition terms and conditions*

    • The ApiNZ National Photography Competition is open only to current financial members of Apiculture NZ.
    • Entry to the ApiNZ National Photography Competition will only be considered complete when payment has been received in full.
    • All photo entered must be your own work.
    • All entries must be submitted as digital photo files (jpegs, jpgs or png files).
    • Photo files must be named using the name of the photographer and the category entered.  You can include the name of the photo if you wish.  For example:  LianeSmith_ScenicPortrait_View from Hives.jpg or JustinMorehu_BeekeepingBusinessChallenge.png
    • All photos must be at a resolution of 300dpi or higher. Visit to automatically convert your images to 300dpi before uploading to your entry form.
    • ApiNZ will print off photographic entries to be displayed at Conference. We reserve the right to only print those photos supplied at the correct resolution.
    • All entries must be received by 5pm, Friday 30 August 2024.
    • Photos may be black and white or full colour, no borders and must fit full page.
    • We will not accept a photo that has overlaid logo or text.  Additionally we will not accept a photo sent inside a Word document or PDF, or as a link to be downloaded.
    • Entrants agree that any photographs entered may be used by Apiculture New Zealand in publications or promotional activities. Apiculture New Zealand will ensure photo credits are used.
    • The judges' decision is final.


    Each image will be judged on a scale of points to determine the overall winner in each category.  The Supreme Winning photo will be the image that scored highest overall.  Journal readers will get the opportunity to vote for their favourite image as part of the 'People's Choice Award'. The winning photos will be displayed on our website and the Supreme Winner and People's Choice will be printed in the October edition of The New Zealand BeeKeeper journal.
  • Annual membership year from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. This membership is for clubs only. If you are an education provider please refer to the Affiliate membership.  Member Information
    • Please click here for full member benefits of all categories.
    • Payment is required to activate membership.
    • The New Zealand Beekeeper journal in now published quarterly as a free online journal. Members will automatically be subscribed to receive the journal via the email address provided when joining or renewing a membership.
    All members must agree to adhere to the ApiNZ Beekeeper Code of Conduct and the New Zealand Honeybee Care Code™.
    • Annual membership year from 1 April 2024 - 31 March 2025
    Commercial beekeepers pay $189.75 plus $1.26 per hive (calculated below). Member Information
    • Please click here for full member benefits of all categories.
    • The New Zealand Beekeeper journal in now published quarterly as a free online journal. Members will automatically be subscribed to receive the journal via the email address provided when joining or renewing a membership.
    • Payment is required to activate membership
    • Companies may apply for a membership in multiple categories: please refer to Apiculture NZ Constitution Clauses 6.2 and 6.3.
    Please note: Only credit card payments will be accepted from overseas customers. All members must adhere to the ApiNZ Code of Conduct and the NZ Honeybee Care Code.
  • Annual membership year from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 Member Information
    • Please click here for full member benefits of all categories
    • Payment is required to activate membership
    • The New Zealand Beekeeper journal in now published quarterly as a free online journal. Members will automatically be subscribed to receive the journal via the email address provided when joining or renewing a membership.
    Please note: Only credit card payments will be accepted from overseas customers. All members must adhere to the ApiNZ Code of Conduct and the NZ Honeybee Care Code.
  • Thank you for registering for the ApiNZ Apprenticeship in Apiculture. Please complete all mandatory fields and make your payment as per instructions below. Primary ITO will have advised your National Student Number (NSN) and this will be your record of learning number – it’s important! If you do not have an ApiNZ membership, you will need this first before registering for the apprenticeship scheme. Contact the ApiNZ office on to arrange membership. As soon as we confirm your payment, we will forward a link to the website to commence your Apprenticeship. We will ask you for a few more details there to check we have your learning records secure.
    1 Step 1
    Please complete the following form before proceeding to checkout.
    Participant Details
    First NameSurnameEmailStudent No.Role (Apprentice, Verifier, or Assessor)Have you passed the AFB exam?Do you hold a DECA?

    Please note that the annual charge of $500/business + GST allows you to have as many people involved as you want. 

    Please tick if you require an invoice/receipt
    I agree to Terms and Conditions

    Please submit form before proceeding to checkout.

    What happens next?

    Thank you for your payment and involvement in the NZ Apprenticeship in Apiculture.

    We will be in touch shortly and will provide you with a link to commence your apprenticeship online. 

    We will ask you for a few more details there to check we have your learning records secure. 

  • Out of stock
    Apiculture New Zealand are not longer selling this book titled “Elimination of American Foulbrood Disease without the Use of Drugs” If you wish to purchase the book please email The Management Agency at  
  • Annual membership year from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 Health products and food manufacturers pay $189.75 plus $0.12 per kilogram of honey used in processing 1 April 2023 - 31 March 2024 (calculated below). Member Information
    • Please click here for full member benefits of all categories
    • All subscription fees are GST inclusive.
    • Payment is required to activate membership.
    • Companies may apply for a membership in multiple categories: please refer to Apiculture NZ Constitution Clauses 6.2 and 6.3.
    • Health products and food manufacturer members will be entitled to one hard copy subscription to the NZ Beekeeper Journal. Additional subscriptions to the Journal may be purchased below.
    All members must adhere to the ApiNZ Code of Conduct and the NZ Honeybee Care Code.
  • Annual membership year from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 Packers and processors (export) pay $189.75 plus $0.035 per kilogram of honey processed 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024 (calculated below). Member Information
    • Please click here for full member benefits of all categories.
    • The New Zealand Beekeeper journal in now published quarterly as a free online journal. Members will automatically be subscribed to receive the journal via the email address provided when joining or renewing a membership.
    • Payment is required to activate membership.
    • Companies may apply for a membership in multiple categories: please refer to Apiculture NZ Constitution Clauses 6.2 and 6.3.
    All members must adhere to the ApiNZ Code of Conduct and the NZ Honeybee Care Code.
  • Annual membership year from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 Packers and processors (domestic) pay $189.75 plus $0.035 per kilogram of honey processed 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024 (calculated below). Member Information
    • Please click here for full member benefits of all categories.
    • The New Zealand Beekeeper journal in now published quarterly as a free online journal. Members will automatically be subscribed to receive the journal via the email address provided when joining or renewing a membership.
    • Payment is required to activate membership.
    • Companies may apply for a membership in multiple categories: please refer to Apiculture NZ Constitution Clauses 6.2 and 6.3.
    All members must adhere to the ApiNZ Code of Conduct and the NZ Honeybee Care Code.
  • This latest edition of Control of Varroa is an updated guide for New Zealand beekeepers on how to control Varroa in your hives. Please note: Only credit card payments will be accepted from overseas customers. Important: Please check with you have provided the correct postal address for New Zealand deliveries. Any returns caused by incorrect postal details supplied will incur additional costs to resend.

    Please contact if

    you are ordering from outside of New Zealand.

    Postage costs will need to be calculated.

    Shipping rates are currently to New Zealand only.

  • Affiliate members are non-hive-holding individuals or companies affiliated with the apiculture industry, e.g. landowners, education providers, beekeeping supply companies, industry associations and government agencies. Annual membership year from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. Member Information
    • Please click here for full member benefits of all categories.
    • The New Zealand Beekeeper journal in now published quarterly as a free online journal. Members will automatically be subscribed to receive the journal via the email address provided when joining or renewing a membership.
    • Payment is required to activate membership.
    All members must adhere to the ApiNZ Code of Conduct and the NZ Honeybee Care Code.
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