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The NZBKJ latest edition2025-01-31T12:16:04+13:00

Stepping up plans for more sustainable industry

EDITORIAL Karin Kos, CE of Apiculture New Zealand and Tony Wright, CE of the Unique Mānuka Honey Factor Association (UMFHA). Welcome to the summer edition of The New Zealand BeeKeeper journal. After a cold and wet spring, the recent bout of warm weather has seen some good [...]

Managing varroa on the Australian front

BIOSECURITY After holding off the varroa mite for much longer than most beekeeping nations, Australian defences were finally breached by the invasive pest in June 2022. Apiculture New Zealand Communications Coordinator Karen Allan caught up with Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) Chief Executive Officer Danny Le Feuvre [...]

Working together for plant and pollinator safety

BEE HEALTH While trying to protect crops from pests, New Zealand Avocado has been working with ApiNZ to ensure safe use of pesticides that won’t harm their top pollinators—honey bees. Karen Allan caught up with NZ Avocado Industry Systems Associate Sunmeet Bhatia to see how the spraying programme [...]

How do NZ honeys taste to consumers?

SCIENCE AND RESEARCH Roger Harker1, Sara R. Jaeger2, Christina Roigard1, Sok L. Chheang1, David Jin1, Virginia Corrigan1, John van Klink1, Aaron McCallion3, Wally Tangohau4 Consumer perceptions and attitudes to New Zealand’s honeys have been captured in a recent study led by the Te Pūmautanga o Te Arawa Charitable [...]

Know your market: China

MARKET Karen Allan. In the first in a series of articles about New Zealand’s major honey export markets, we take a look at China, including recent research from New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) and New Zealand Story, and thoughts from an exporter on the ground. [...]

US Election result creates export uncertainty

MARKET UPDATE Phil Edmonds, Apiculture New Zealand Eyes are on the USA trade policy settings as honey exporters look to anticipate demand in the year ahead. New Zealand honey exports for 2024 will likely match 2023 shipments, but the year ahead is less certain. The honey [...]

Beekeeping in high fire risk conditions

HEALTH AND SAFETY Apiculture New Zealand and Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ). The wildfire risk around the country is currently quite variable. There have been unseasonably warm temperatures, and some areas have had significant rain while others have remained very dry. This is likely to be [...]


For the Summer journal we’re highlighting the importance of fire safety when beekeeping in high-risk conditions and the great work the country’s firefighters do to keep us safe. Many of these firefighters, like Simon, are also avid beekeepers. Simon Aarts Coalgate Honey Co., Coalgate, Canterbury What’s your background [...]

New toolkit for attracting and retaining great staff

BUSINESS Fiona Windle, Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence Losing a worker and then having to find and train a new one can be costly and time-consuming. Keeping employees happy not only saves money but also boosts productivity and ensures smooth operations. The food and fibre sector (including [...]

Getting to the culmination of the season

ABOUT THE APIARY: SUMMER 2024-25 Barry Foster. Summer marks, in numerous ways, the culmination of the beekeeping season. Starting with the placement of hives on various summer sites for a variety of honey flows. Then it’s supering, harvesting, processing the honey crop, controlling pests and diseases and [...]

Fullfilling a firefighting dream

HEALTH AND SAFETY. By Karen Allan. Full-time commercial beekeeper Paula Stapleton moved from Ireland to New Zealand with her husband and three children 14 years ago. Two years ago she finally realised her lifelong dream to become a firefighter when she joined as a volunteer in Ahipara, [...]

Maximising hive inspections

BEEKEEPING 101: Summer 24-25 Ken Brown. This new column covers beekeeping basics for beginner and intermediate beekeepers. Just like the doctor’s oath, a primary consideration is to do no harm during an examination. However, there are times when some interventions are necessary for the long-term greater good, [...]

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